Monday, 31 December 2012

First 4 weeks on my new regime

My last post introduced something called the Alizonne plan. I think it's worth mentioning that I am in no way connected to this company so hope to provide a completely unbiased view of my experiences.

For the basics surrounding the plan have a look through their website, particularly the documentary created by ITV.

My first meeting was a consultation which was straight forward enough. You meet with a doctor (a proper one btw) And they outline the plan and commitments. They also take some blood samples to make sure there is no pre-existing health reason the plan may be unsuitable. They also perform a test (the name escapes me) which measures your metabolic rate, this is used to calculate your estimated weight loss as well as the number of meals you get per day.

Because I had been on a calorie restricted diet before the plan mine was pretty low at 2088. For a man this is 412 below the average of 2500. This meant that I was put on 5 meals a day.

Each meal is basically a protein rich powder consisting of between 100-125 calories, 0.5-2g fat, 2-4g carbs and around 20g of protein.
This may sound pretty unappetising to eat 24/7 however the meals come in different varieties ranging from sweet to savoury plus hot/cold drinks and soups. You also get unlimited amounts of certain veg and restricted amounts of others.

The idea is to remove as much fat and carbs from your diet as possible, thus creating very low and stable insulin levels. Your body then enters a state of Ketosis. Because you are on <800 calories a day you will loose weight, it is an absolute certainty.

This is a quote from their website....

On the Alizonne Therapy Treatment Programme, you will not feel hungry, weak or lethargic and you will not have food cravings. You will have sufficient energy and will be able to exercise and function as normal. There will be no dizziness, light-headedness or other unpleasant effects from the weight loss.

After 4 weeks I feel like I can now comment of the above statements.

I don't feel hungry, don't get me wrong you are aware that your belly isn't full, but there's fancying more food and really being hungry, I am the former. I am absolutely sure that if anyone now put a big meal in front of me I couldn't get through very much of it. 

I do feel pretty lethargic to be honest. I still get up and do everything that I used to but it seems harder. For the first couple of weeks I felt totally amazing, like literally flying around everywhere. It's like I was on speed or something. But I think as my body chemistry has settled down things have changed. I have my first monthly meeting with their doctor on Thursday so I will definitely mention this & see what they suggest.

There have been 2 or 3 times I have felt a bit dizzy during the last 4 weeks. Once was after 3 or 4 days and I put this down to my body chemistry just settling down. The other times have been due to me exercising & trying to get by on 5 sachets, believe me it's just not worth doing. This is outside the plan but I feel it's far better to have 1 extra sachet if you really feel you need it than getting in a situation where you feel like jacking it all in. 
 In terms of other unpleasant effects there haven't been any to mention. 

This plan isn't to be undertaken lightly, regardless of many determined people finding ingenious ways to fit this plan into their lives it is very restricting.Perhaps the worst part of it is the potential to severely yo yo if you chuck it in. You insulin levels are very low (see above for reasoning) so if you suddenly decide to pack it in and eat a load of carbs your insulin levels will have a huge spike and you will literally become a mega fat storing machine. You will have to come off the plan gently, going through the rest of the 8 stages.
Another thing to bear in mind is that cheat days really mess you up. If you eat anything containing even moderate levels of carbohydrate your body will come out of Ketosis and weight loss will stop. It then takes up to 48 hrs to re-enter this state meaning you have lost 2 days worth of weight loss. Because you are paying for other treatments every week this actually costs you money. It's not a great incentive to keep on the plan but it can't hurt having one more.

Next up..........Weight loss in the last four weeks

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